What grows our roots?

What I notice, in contemplating what it means to go against the ‘normal’ currents, truly honor the plants and medicines, awaken to the Dream, and allow changes and growth in our brain circuitry, is that a question arises. 

What good is it to regenerate our neuron pathways and strengthen our mind if we do not have a deep root of meaning that guides those evolving thoughts and visions? 

Are we expanding our minds as an ‘experience?’ Or are we doing it for a greater purpose of coming into right relation with the planet and all Life? 

If we do not know where we come from, how will we possibly understand where we are headed? 

In my own journey, I have been guided by some truly incredible and wise teachers and teachings, and these have supported and strengthened the roots from which my branches of vision and creativity can grow in a way that is hopefully beneficial to the planet and the growth of Love. 

Below are a few of the teachers and books that have guided me on the journey, strengthening my own root of purpose for why we are on planet earth and how we can Remember and give back to Life. 

Everything by: 
- Clarissa Pinkola Estes 
- Martin Prechtel 
- Joanna Macy 
- Don Miguel Ruiz 
- The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd 
- Anastasia by Vladimir Megre 
- Findhorn Garden 
- The Secret Life of Plants by Tompkins & Bird 
- The Magdalene Manuscript 
- The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben 
- Prescriptions for Happiness by Ken Keyes 
- The Great Work by Thomas Berry 
- Gwinna by Barbara Helen Berger 
- Wild Child by Monica Furlong 
- Siddhartha by Herman Hesse 
- The 5th Sacred Thing by Starhawk 

There are so many more!

What has inspired your own awareness and consciousness to evolve?

Please comment on this post with your own inspiring teachers and books.