"A Dagger and A Poem" Lyrics

Piper you’ve a song to sing and will you sing today
I’m feelin like a wildfire, will you guide my way
rushing through the underbrush until I see my next turn
cover me in roses, set a course for wind-borne
tip a glass for temperance, dip me in red wine
I’ve a dagger and a poem at my side

Piper called, “you lead yourself by coming you undone
the veils upon your eyelids, the dragons on your tongue
listen close, you’ll know them by the hawthorn and the moonbeam
give a bit o’ ribbon round and leave it as an offering
hear the rounds of lovers calling “dance us with a kiss
so in parting here the love we never miss”

Bellow for the eyes to see a brightness to what’s known
Bellow for the lungs to breathe and find their way back home
Bellow for the undertow, teach me through the falling
show me every fear till I can dance with them till morning
Bellow for to summon every heart and set it free

Piper you’ve an opening to do what you must do
the dams are bound for breaking so you let the river move
though there are a’twists and turns the storm will see you through
if you keep your compass aimed by your own roots