You Are A Vessel of Creation.



Unlock your Voice, Open your Creative Channel, and Live your Authentic Expression


And when we commit

to the full embodiment of this, 

all life pours in.


“Wherever you feel both incredible longing
and intense fear

that is where life is calling you.”

A community & movement of walking life as creative vessels, living into our personal and collective legacy as instruments for the Song of Life


You are a living song. This is a space to nurture you to open to your radiance.

Tune yourself as the instrument,

so you can walk with the clarity of your heart as your true guide, whether you are an artist or simply want to be a strong voice in your community.

Alchemize limiting beliefs
into profound expression

and next-level creativity

Rise into the limitless creator you are

as you learn how to dance like a warrior with your fears, integrating the programs of not enough-ness and self-doubt,
till your fears become your opportunity for expression.

Magnify your potential through a community of creatives and visionaries

This is a space where innovation flourishes. You not only are bolstered and supported to believe more in yourself, and for all that’s possible for us as a collective. Be connected to other individuals like yourself for collaboration, feedback, insight, and inspiration.

Cultivate the practical skills and mindset

to harmonize your relationship to abundance, self-worth, sovereignty, connection with others, and your creative offerings, and to be available for the mission and times we are in.

Ground yourself in the greater context of cosmic alignments, seasonal shifts, and daily practice,

so that you can stay centered and aligned and able to fully show up to this moment on planet earth.


"... Ayla and the Living Song community helped me to change the direction of my life. Ayla’s reframing of voice and fear profoundly shifted blocks within me. Whether you dream of singing or something entirely different, the Living Song stands to support and accelerate the transformation you most deeply desire."

– Sara

"The Living Song completely turned my life around and set me on an incredible journey of embracing and living my creativity… (it) has opened me up to finally believing in and following my true path, wherever and regardless of where it may lead."

– Brighde

Welcome to

Community & Membership Portal

Unlock a growing library of mindset rituals combined with skill development trainings taught by international artist Ayla Nereo.

I was terrified of singing.

I never thought I'd be a musician.

Growing up, I longed to feel confident in my expression, my voice, to speak, to sing, and to be in front of people, to experience comfort in being seen and heard.


But I had an irrational fear that I might be tone deaf and no one was telling me. 


I was too afraid of sharing myself and stopped my voice, for many years.


Then, toward the end of college, songs started coming through me. 

And in order to let them live, I had to

sing them.

You see, it’s not about being a singer,

it’s about using the voice to transform

your self-doubt into creative power

and liberate your most radiant creative expression.

Fear and limiting beliefs are the greatest obstacles to creativity.

But what if fear is the key to your power?

What if the doubt itself contains the precise energy needed to arrive at full expression? 

This is why I’ve created The Living Song Portal.

To guide you in unlocking your brightest expression. 


To guide you in your process of alchemy: Transforming doubt into liberated expression and true voice.

To support you in remembering your power as a creator, your walk and legacy for the next generations.


“What struck me most was the potency of Ayla’s transmission. I felt in some moments as if I was in Satsang… Feeling the love, power, truth and clarity of what Ayla was sharing went straight through all my layers.”

– Lua

“Learning how to approach this magical journey with her guidance has helped me go beyond my edges… I know and love my being and talents more. Becoming a member of [this] community is beyond worth it.”

– Arlene






The VALUE $77/month
Current offering to you sliding scale $44-$77 / Month

~ Pay as you are able ~


If you are able to pay higher on this scale, it allows us to continue offering the lower end and scholarships ~ thank you!





✓ Access to a growing content library in The Living Song Portal 

✓ LIVE Warrior Hummingbird sessions with Ayla — A monthly live deep dive with Ayla, the ability to send in questions in advance, PLUS an opening voice practice each session to expand and uncover your true voice, AND a writing practice with Ayla to open to your life vision, creative flow, and creative writing practice
*Live sessions are available for one month on demand, after which they will be edited so practices can be organized and accessible in the growing library of content.* 

✓ Monthly audio of a Vessel of Voice activation practice to be in this potent voice-opening practice with Ayla, in your own time

✓ PLUS a quarterly LIVE Vessel of Voice Zoom session with Ayla (replay just as potent as attending live) - to embody, activate, open and unblock the throat. You will have the ability to send in voice-related questions in advance. These sessions include the VoV embodiment practice, as well as insight talks to support your voice-opening, transformation of fears, and creative expansion 

✓ Community Creative Networking — A system where you can easily share your realms of creative craft, and add Badges to your profile, making it easier to find and be found by other artists and connect for potential collaboration! This is an incredible growing community of skilled creatives, and members will all have access to this network of artists for possible collaboration, connection, or mentorship.

✓ Catalyst Conversations — special guests, masters of craft and skilled artists, visionaries, teachers, and leaders, in dialogue with Ayla. Members have the ability to send in questions for guests in advance

✓ Power of the Word - Monthly Manifestation Affirmations — to supercharge your life, dreams creative power, self-belief, and so much more.

✓ Monthly Songwriting/Creativity/Writing Prompts to ignite your inspiration for songwriting and creative writing

✓ Monthly Song & Voice Share! An invitation to share your song creation, words, vocal improvisation, or any self-expression, so we can uplift and motivate one another’s creative process

✓ Access to a growing network of masterful 1:1 teachers — Voice Teachers, Engineers, Producers, Music/Instrument Teachers, Energy workers, Healers, Human Design readers, and more. We are welcoming in vetted teachers and guides, masters of their field, to be in collaboration with The Living Song and giving you access!

✓ New Moon Arrow Aims — Goal setting, visioning, creative manifestation

✓ Full Moon Celebrations & Breakthroughs — Acknowledging our growth and wins is a powerful tool for amplifying more success in the future. You sharing with the community not only charges up your process, it also inspires and uplifts everyone else to aim for their goals and visions.

✓ Monthly Element and Cycle prompts & invitations to support you in gaining personal insight into your phases of our creative process, and to connect deeply with the four elements, nature, and our body’s intelligence

✓ Cosmic Insights — Connection and attunement to the grater cycles of planetary shifts and alignments

✓ Wellness & Vitality — Insight and guidance for the well being of your vessel

✓ For VoV ANNUAL members — access to special discounts on Ayla’s future offerings (first one coming soon!)


A Peek Into the Portal


Testimonial Videos 


This experience is for you if...


✓ You know there is more to this life and you are ready to wake up inside the dream. And you know it only happens when we all do it together. So we choose to. And we get to.
✓ You want to strengthen your intuitive channel and deepen your alignment so you can be available to the highest expression of what you are here on this planet to do, be, and create. 
✓ You know you have powerful creative expression within you, and you are ready to lean in fully, past creative blocks, past the doubt and fear, and see what is ready to come through you, whether you’re an artist or not.
✓ You want a place to go that uplifts you, aligning you to abundance, creative vitality, and powerful aliveness, so that your every day can be a wondrous and inspired process of growth, expansion, and expression.
✓ You can feel the tides of change happening, and you want to stay clear and grounded with strong personal practices, so that you can be available to your mission, your family, and the greater global community.
✓ You would love to be surrounded by a creative community who uplift and inspire you to be your best self, to sing together, to collaborate, to be received and connected to others on this path of awakening to our potential as humans.

Learning how to approach this magical journey with [Ayla’s] guidance has help me go beyond my edges. Becoming a member of our little community is beyond worth it.

– Arlene

I was awe struck that we can actually implement this in our lives… It's made me feel much freer.. Ayla's work is a bright beacon that guides us back to ourselves.

– Marta

Creative Sovereignty
Is An Inner-Outer Journey... 

 will support you with both...

Inner Work

✓ mindset
✓ beliefs
✓ shifting energy patterns
✓ new pathways 
✓ manifestation
✓ connection to time and space

Outer Work

✓ skill development tools
✓ daily personal practice 
✓ community support
✓ creative environment 
✓ technology
✓ mentorship



Strengthen Inner Listening to Inner Guidance, Muse, and Source


Deepen your relationship with your individual creative system through daily practices


Anchor yourself within the greater planetary and cosmic influences


Understand and care for your physical vessel as an instrument through physical wellness


Build the muscle of dancing with your own fear and obstacle 


Connect to purpose and service to the world and make offerings that give back to LIFE


Ayla Nereo is an internationally recognized musician and multi-disciplinary artist. She has composed seven solo albums and has collaborated with major figures in electronic and folk music. Her intimate journey from intense fear and self-doubt to boundless expression as an artist have lent her essential insights to be able to support others in their unique journeys of self expression and creative vitality. Ayla has guided thousands of individuals in voice opening and connection and continues to light the path of self expression and sovereignty with clarity and compassion. Ayla's profound connection to art, humanity, and nature places her at the forefront of visionary leadership, as she devotes herself to supporting the transformations we individually and collectively need on our planet at this time.


Ayla’s Letter & Intro

It is my prayer for you to come into deep relationship with the many aspects of yourself. To awaken to your innate power as a creator, to tap into your courageous heart —  alive and leading, liberated from fear and separation.

What I see for this community is a thriving, global pulse of artistry, of innovation, community rebuilding and planet repair. 

We are creators of infinite possibility and beauty, a human family remembering we are not separate, always and forever connected in the web of existence.

We are leaders of the next generations.

Step forth.

Alchemize limiting beliefs into profound expression
and next-level creativity 


Cultivate the practical skills and mindset required to craft 

authentic and meaningful offerings in service to the world